The Delhi High Court, in an important judgment on January 12, 2010, said that the post of Chief Justice of India comes under the ambit of the Right to Information Act. The High Court in its 88-page report has said that judicial independence is not a personal prerogative or privilege of any judge but it is a responsibility placed on every judge to take decisions impartially, carefully and honestly.It is noteworthy that Chief Justice of India Shri K.G. Balakrishnan has said that his post does not come under the purview of the transparency law. Delhi High Court said that High Court judges should give public details of their assets as they are no less responsible and answerable than lower courts.Whose service manual includes declaring assets. According to the High Court, Right to Information is a part of Article 14, Article 19(1) and Article 21 of the Constitution. The right to information does not come merely from the Right to Information Act but from the constitutional guarantee under Article 19(1).
Reservation in higher education discretion of states: Supreme Court
Supreme Court Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Justice P. Satshavam and Justice J.M. Panchal bench gave an important decision, dismissing the petitions claiming reservation for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students in admission to post-graduate courses in government medical colleges of Haryana, That for admission in postgraduate courses of medical colleges, S. C., S.T. And giving reservation to backward classes is the discretion of the state governments and the court cannot issue any writ order to give reservation. The division bench said that Article 15(4) of the Constitution has given discretion to state governments to implement reservation in post graduate medical courses.
On the plea of implementation of reservation in the post graduate course entrance examination conducted by AIIMS at all India level, the bench said that it is the decision of the Central Government but it does not mean that in view of it, the state governments should also implement it. Can take decisions herself. According to the Court, the admission includes SC, ST. Or the state governments can be the best and appropriate decision regarding giving reservation to backward classes.